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Author visits are one of my favorite parts of being a writer, and I'm constantly blown away by the creativity and imagination of the kids I meet. I am currently available for in-person and virtual author visits, and offer two different presentations:

Creating a Character (Grades 2-6): In our interactive presentation, my co-author Ruthie Prillaman and I discuss our middle grade illustrated novel, Maple's Theory of Fun. We collaborate with kids on a series of live-drawing, character-building exercises where we create a main character followed by a side character who pushes the main character to grow. Our goal is to show kids that they CAN draw and they CAN write, and whenever they feel stuck, they can reach into their toolbox and find a new idea.

Sustainable Design (Grades 3-7): Through a series of images from my book, Sustainable Structures, I showcase various green buildings around the world and the key principles behind them. I walk kids though a life-cycle analysis exercise, where we map the life of a single t-shirt! Then we play a game of re-use bingo, where we point out potential reuses of objects all around us. 

Please contact me at for more information.

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